Monday, March 25, 2019

100WC#7: The illogical definition of "I was so cross that"

I was so cross that the illogical definition of "I was so cross that" was "mad I was that" instead of "I was so mad that". I was so cross at the definition of “I was so cross that”. I know it wasn’t a big deal, but the USA decided that “I was so cross” was supposed to be “mad I was that” and not “I was mad that”. Well, it was actually Webster, the dumb and outdated dictionary. I felt angry and exhausted, so I went to bed. When I was sleeping, I dreamed of flying pigeons, which was illogical.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Solving Logarithmic Equations/Operations in Math

Solving Logarithmic Equations/Operations in Math


All words or numbers highlighted in red indicate that blogger has either (A) Resetted the features that shouldn't have been resetted or (B) deleted symbols and math equations (fraction lines, the square root symbol, ect.)


  • Exponents

  • Square roots

  • Multiplying

  • Algebra
And, you must be comfortable with math.

What’s up everyone! I’m back today with another blog. This time I will be teaching you How to solve Logarithmic/Log Equations/Operations in math. Well, you might have heard of the “Log” equation, or seen it on a calculator. Let’s say log(8 = 0.903089987. Okay, well, we’re not going to go that deep into log(8 or log(2. Well, let’s start off with a question before we get started. (Oh, by the way, I'm very sorry for when I pasted this to blogger, it resetted literally everything, so it might be a little hard to read. And all the subscript in the equations are resetted.)

What is a Log Equation? When your using a log equation, it’s like exponents and algebra. When your using log, it’s like: What power do I need to raise to to get a number? Or, you could say, y to the x power equals z. I’ll draw them out.

The bottom picture is basically saying "what number to the power of 2 can I have to get 16? Or the bottom picture could be saying 2 to the x power equals 16." Either way is fine. Or, the top picture is saying that y to the x power equals z. (By the way the z on the top picture looks like a 2.) In a log, there is a base. The base is that small number written at the bottom. For example in the bottom drawing I made, 2 is the base because it is small and written at the bottom.

Here is an example: log₃ ⁸¹ = x. So, this is basically saying 3 to the x equals 81. So what power do we have to raise 3 to, to get to 81? We know that 1 can’t work. 3² is 9. 3³ is 27. So let’s try 3⁴. This is basically 3x3x3x3 which is the same as 9x9 which is 81. So now you have it, log₃ ⁸¹ = 4.  

Now try this one: logx ⁸¹ = 4. What is x? Try to take a moment and solve this on your own… So, this is basically saying that x to the 4th power equals 81. Write it out like this: X⁴ = 81. To do that, we need to take the 4th root, I believe, from each side. It’s the 4th root because it is X to the power of 4. So, it would be (X⁴)14 = (81)14. So, I would write it out like this: X = 4*81. Notice how that’s different from the division sign, so we’re not dividing. So the fourth root of 81 is 3. X = 3. *Excuse me, blogger deleted the square root sign there. So just imagine a square root sign between 4 and 81.

Let’s try an easier one: log₅ ˣ = 4. This is basically the same thing 5 to the 4th power equals x. Which means, 5x5x5x5 = x. 5x5 is 25, and 25x25= 625. So, x = 625.

Let’s try a harder one: log₃₂ ˣ = 45. This is basically the same thing as 32 to the power of 45 = x. So first, you want to find the 5th root of 32. Why is it the 5th? Because the denominator is 5. And then, raise it to the power of 4.Why 4? Because the numerator is 4. So what number raised to the 5th power equals 32? 2. 2x2x2x2x2 = 32. So the 5th root of 32 is 2. So now, we have to raise 2 to the power of 4. So 2⁴ = x. 2⁴ is 16. So x = 16.
Now see if you can figure out this one: log ˣ = 24. You might have noticed a problem: there is no base. In logarithms, if there is no base, it is assumed to be base 10. Why? Because on calculators, when you write a log equation, the calculator itself will assume it’s a base 10. Let’s say I typed in “log(100” on the calculator. I didn’t type in a base, so the calculator will assume it’s base 10. So when I see what the answer is to the problem, the calculator will say “2”. Because 10 to the 2nd is 100. So if you were to go back to the problem given, you would write it out like: log₁₀ ˣ = 32. Okay, the answer would be a ginormous number. So i’ll leave the answer as x = 10³².

I’ll give you a challenging one now: log (log x) = 3. Remember, if there’s no base, then the base is 10. So log₁₀ (log x) = 3. Now in this one, there’s 2 logs. For now don’t worry about the second log. This is basically the same thing as 10³ = (the numbers in the parentheses). So, 10³ = log x. 10 to the 3rd is 1000. So 1000 = log x. Hey, this second log doesn’t have a base. So what do we put as base? 10. So 1000 = log₁₀ x. In this case where I first found confusing, you put it in base 10 of 1000, if I’m saying it right. So, 10¹⁰⁰⁰ = x.

Now try this one: log₆₄ ⁴ = x. So let’s think of this as 64 to the x power = 4. Well, this might be a tricky one for beginners. So what power do you have to raise 64 to, to get to 4? 64 to the 2nd is 4096, which is way more than what we were looking for. In fact way more that we might have to go below 1. So let’s think about log₄ ⁶⁴ = x. What power do you have to raise 4 to get 64? 3. 4x4x4 = 64. So when we’re doing problems like log₆₄ ⁴ = x, all we do is flip the reciprocal of 3. So, 64 to the *1/3 power equals 4.
                     *I meant to put a fraction line dividing the 1 and 3, with 1 as numerator and 3 as denominator. But blogger has deleted it. So I will put a slash between the 1 and 3. 


  • A logarithm is an equation with algebra and exponents. To solve one, think of y to the x power equals z, shown on the picture from the top. Or, you could think of, what power do I need to raise y to, to get z?

  • Every logarithm has a base, like base y of z equals x.

I think we have a bit of a warm up here. Now, I will give you a few logarithm problems, and try solving them on your own. The answer key is at the end of this blog. We will start out with some basic ones, and then progress on to harder ones.

Log₃ ˣ = 4

Log ₓ ⁶⁴ = 3

Log ˣ = 2

Log₃₂ ² = x

I think I won’t make this blog too long. I’ll end it here. If you have any questions, please write it in the comments section. The answer key is below. I hope you enjoy learning logarithms. BYEE!

Answer Key:




*There was a fraction line dividing the 1 and 5, with 1 as numerator and 5 as denominator. But blogger has deleted the fraction line, so I will put a slash between the 1 and 5.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Beginner Coding/Programming: JAVASCRIPT

Beginner Coding/Programming

Have you ever wondered how to script? What is scripting, anyways? How do you script? What are the main languages? Well, today, I will teach you a language called Javascript. let’s start off with some questions.

Questions about programming

Let’s get things straight first. What is programming? Programming is the action of writing computer programs. Or writing scripts to tell the computer what to do. It’s like the brain. The brain is kind of like the programmer that’s telling the body what to do. Programming is part of Computer Science. And, what is a language? A language is the method of human communication, written or spoken, consisting words in a structured way. Well, in this case i’m talking about programming language. It’s the same as a language, just on a computer. So, Javascript is a programming language. There are multiple different programming languages, like we have multiple different languages.

Why programming? There are multiple different uses for programming. 1. Lot’s of businesses and jobs require programming. Well, okay, I’m not a grown up so I can’t really explain why. 2. To create games, you need to use programming. Well, you are using a computer to create your own video games, so, you will need to understand program to program your own video games. 3. I think it’s fun. Programming is hard, but still fun. There are tons of more reasons, but I’ll just explain a few.

What other names are there for “programming”? There are “scripting” and “coding”

Okay, these should answer the main questions. Now, I have a warning for you guys.


Coding may feel totally different to you. Even if you’ve had experience with coding, there are hard and easy things you can learn. If you want to learn coding, you gotta have that positive mindset. Think about this: when you first learned a language, was it hard? That’s the same for coding--it’s like learning a totally different language. Don’t expect it to be easy. Now, the first time you learn how to code, it will be confusing. Once you reread it a few more times, you’ll understand. Have fun coding!


To start, I always like to learn how to type your own name in JavaScript. To type your own name, type your name between 2 quotation marks and add a semicolon at the end. For example


Nice job! In JavaScript, when we surround a word with quotation marks, that’s called a string. Strings are used to represent sequences of letters, numbers, and symbols. It’s like a variable, which is used to store information. In fact, a string is a variable, known as string variable. Let’s move on.

JavaScript also have built-in features, called functions. To call a function, simply write its name, (without quotations) and end it with a set of parentheses. Try calling the alert function:


Well, many functions like the alert function can take instructions, called parameters. By sending a string into the alert function, we can put text on the pop up box. Try putting your name.


Often when programming we need to store values into a container, or box, so we can use them later. To store values, we need to use a variable. ‘var’ is short for variable. So, let’s store your name into a variable.

var firstName = “Wayne”;

Great! Now we have a variable named firstName that has a string stored inside it. Output it to see what it looks like.


In some softwares it prints the information stored in the variable below the variable. In some other softwares it’s not like that.

So far you’ve worked out only one value type (strings), but JavaScript has many! Another example is a number. Pass any number into the alert function. Just like a function, there are no quotations surrounding the number.


You might have not thought of this, but JavaScript can also do math! Type out a math equation like you would write one. Or combine 2 numbers. The answer should show in the output

123 + 321

Great! JavaScript can not only combine numbers but can also combine strings. Create an alert function that combines your name and a string.

alert(firstName + “ is awesome!”);

Note: in order for the message to work, you must add a space after the first quotation.

Great! Now you have a basic idea of JavaScript. Let’s move on to more complex strings.


Remember, strings are values made up of text, numbers, and symbols. Strings are contained within a pair of quotation marks or single quotation marks and end with a semicolon. Example:

‘This is a string.’;

“This is a string, lol don’t trust that one JK”;

Now, let’s say you want to use quotation marks inside a string. What do you do now? Well, simply use the opposite quotations. So, if you’re using double quotations for the string, then use single quotations for the word(s) inside the string. If you’re using single quotation marks for the string, then use double quotation mark for the word(s) inside the string. Here is an example below:

‘Remember to say “Please” and “Thank You!”’;

Strings have their own built in features and variables, known as properties. These are some of the properties below.


A string’s length property keeps track of how many characters the word has. To use it, type the words between quotations, then add a .length and end with a semicolon. The length in .length is not capitalized. Here’s an example below:




2. toLowerCase

A string’s toLowerCase returns all letters in the string to lowercase. To use it, type the words between quotations, then add a .toLowerCase, parentheses and close parentheses, then a semicolon. Here’s an example below:




3. toUpperCase

A string’s toUpperCase returns all letters in the string to uppercase. To use, type the words between quotations, then add a .toUpperCase, parentheses and close parentheses, then a semicolon. Here’s an example below:

“why am i so tiny?”.toUpperCase();



Numbers and Math

Numbers are mathematical operations. You don’t need any special syntax or symbols for numbers. Just write them straight forward ending with a semicolon. Hey, you could cheat on your homework using these. Example:


JavaScript doesn’t confuse adding numbers and decimals together. Example:

8 + 2.16347;



Sadly, fractions don’t exist in JavaScript. But you can rewrite them as decimals or division problems, like below:




Improper fractions are the same:




To use mixed numbers, add the whole number and the fraction.

2 + (3/2);



You can make negative numbers by placing the (-) in front of the operator or subtracting a number from a smaller number.






Variables are values that can store any type of JavaScript value. var is the keyword for JavaScript when you declare a variable. Example:

var x = 2;

You can even use variables when declaring other variables. You can also give an existing variable a new value. Examples below:

var = 100;

x + 200;



var x = 100;

var y = x + 200;




var day = “monday”;

day = “tuesday”;





Functions are blocks of code that can be reused and renamed. Here’s how to declare a function.

function addTwoNumbers(x, y) {

return x + y;


Note that functions don’t have Parameters.

function greetThePlanet() {

return “Hello World”;




“Hello World”

If a function does have parameters, you’ll need to provide values inside the parentheses when using the function. Example:

function square(number) {

return number * number;





These are all the basics you should learn. Remember, if you don’t get it, it’s fine. If you reread close enough, you’ll eventually figure out. How do you think you could create your own game, or whatever? You have to know how to code. But first, the basics, right? BYE!;

100WC#6: 4 is greater than 20.

You might consider me rich, since I have saved up $4. 4 DOLLARS THAT’S A TON OF MONEY! It’s like $4,000,000ₓ₁₀⁵º! Ok, anyway, I meant that you could probably buy a Lambo with that much! And you say you only saved up $20! 4 IS WAY MORE THAN 20! (4>20). Anyway, I put my savings in a JAR. I didn’t need a bank. Well, the next morning I went to the jar… empty. What a surprise. MY MONEY HAD BEEN STOLEN! AND 4 DOLLARS IS A TON OF MONEY! I guess I could trust a bank.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

100WC#5: A coin for nothing

I walked on the pavement. I came across this red ladder, as you expect a red ladder out of nowhere. I climbed up, like a 5 year old, and found a coin at the top of the building. I took it, climbed back down, and then went to the store and spent the coin on a play machine. I was operating a ship and, when you expect a 5 year old to be a pro video gamer, I was so bad I crashed my ship and it was SINKING! So looks like I spent my coin for nothing. GAME OVER!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

100WC#4: Scared by a baby

I placed my BOOMING science experiment on the table, preparing to showcase my vinegar project, duh. I set up my project, with everyone staring at me. When MY NOT YOUR project started, everyone applauded. I was going to pour the vinegar into the baking soda, for it to make an exploding effect, when I realized I was so dumb: The room was silent, then, a BABY that shouldn’t have cried cried out. I thought my nerve snapped, the vinegar, POURING into my mouth...the vinegar was too sharp… I would never be scared by a 2 year old BABY AGAIN!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

100WC#3: Have BAD luck

I stood on the sidewalk, my mom with me. I held my teddy bear, which, had a red tie on it. Well, okay, A BOW NOT A FREAKING TIE!!! We were waiting for our father to come pick us up. I stared at the tall buildings that surrounded us. Soon, father came and picked us up. I opened the window in the car, and I held my bear out. Then, the wind blew too strong my bear, flew away and landed on the street. I screamed, my parents shocked. I would never, ever do a freaking thing like this again.

Monday, February 11, 2019

100WC#2: The CRAZY recital by Wayne

I was nervous, and excited at the same time. I was standing, on the stage, with the black piano behind me. You can guess, I’m at a recital, EH? Actually, a violin recital, you L. Okay, I had the violin nEatlY tucked in rest position. I’M RESTING YOU L!!!??!?!!?

Okay, back to BUSINESS! I was just going to playing position when I was so STUPID and dropped it on the ground with a bang. Yeah, you know it, BIG BANG. When I PICKED it up, it was completely out of tune. I guess I WAS going to TAKE THAT L!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

100WC #1: Egg Disaster by Wayne

I was standing in the classroom, while the teacher was gone. We were mad while the teacher was gone, tossing each other eggs.

I wore a fringed dress. Well, it probably wasn’t a good idea to wear a dress while acting mad.

Uh oh, my egg hit one of the lights on the ceiling, and the room went black. I could hear one thing, kids screaming and something mysterious--It sounded like something washing off something, and the next thing I knew, PLOP! Some gooey and sticky thing stuck to my face. Oh god, the teacher would be angry about this.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019



What the heck is Roblox? A robot powered game? Hey, wait a second! I heard Roblox is a popular Game Platform.

Actually, Roblox is kind of referred to the imagination platform. If you don’t know what a platform is, a platform is a standard for the hardware of a computer system, determining what kinds of software it can run. Roblox is also a popular game platform, it has lots of games on it. You can even create your own game, but it requires you to know coding in Lua. Let’s say:


Sorry, the “game” from the script is not supposed to be capitalized. And, that script is only one of the basics.

Anyway, Roblox has a lot of fun games suitable for you. There are Sci fi games, Adventure, Roleplay, Town and City, FPS, and more!

Rules and Guidelines

However, in Roblox, there are certain rules and guidelines you must follow. If you don’t follow them, you might be reported. (Although the report system is broken so ha >:))

So when someone does something mean to you or breaks the rules, you can report them. Once you report them, the report goes to Roblox and he will give the bully a warning. If the bully does it again, Roblox will terminate the bully’s account. But since the report system is broken, reporting does not work. But I would still not do anything bad or else someone might email Roblox about it. And emailing does work. If you want to see the rules and guidelines, click this link: Rules

Basic Guide

Roblox does download. The download is free, though. To download, play one of the games available, and follow the instructions to download. When you play the game at first, things may seem complicated. To move, press W, S, A, and D. you can also use the arrow keys, but I recommend using the WASD keys. To leave the game, press “esc” to open up settings. Then click Leave. To record or screenshot, go to the top of the settings and click Record. You can also Reset your character. Resetting will kill the avatar and it will respawn. Resetting is often helpful if your character is stuck in a wall and can’t go out.

Games should have chat, right? Well, Roblox also has chat. To chat, Press / and type what you need to type. If you type numbers or inappropriate words, the words will appear in tags (#).


There is currency in Roblox. Each game does have currency, but the Roblox currency is Robux. Robux is like real life money, except it isn’t and it’s called Robux not Money or Cash. With Robux, you can buy shirts, pants, avatar animations, faces, gamepasses, and more!

But to get Robux, you have to purchase them. I would certainly not recommend buying Robux because the price is fine but the Robux amount is tiny. Let’s say $4.95 for only 400 Robux. 400 Robux may seem like a ton, but most items that you may want would be priced at R200 - R3000. (R stands for Robux)
Another way to get Robux is to sell gamepasses. Gamepasses are something someone can buy with Robux in your game. 90% Robux goes to Roblox for a marketing fee and 10% goes to you. So if I sell a gamepass for R200, I get back R20 because 200-90%=20. By the way, selling gamepasses is the method I use to earn Robux. The total Robux I made up was between R2000 and R3000. Although to create a gamepass, you must have a game, and sadly if you don’t know how to code in Lua, then you cannot create your game.

Another way to earn Robux is by trading. Trading is where you trade an item for another item. Let’s say a Crown for R3000. Trading requires Builders Club. The disclaimer is that Builders Club also costs money. If you have Builders Club, go to the Menu section, (the one with 3 lines at the left corner of your screen) then click Trade. Click on the “How do I send a trade?” button to get more details. Builders Club

The last way i’m going to teach you how to get Robux is by selling stuff, which requires Builders Club. you can sell T shirts, Pants, Shirts, or more clothing. To create clothing and sell it, click on the “Create” Button, located on the top of your screen, then scroll down and click “Shirts”, “Pants”, or “T Shirts”. For more information, see one of the help options on the page.

There are multiple ways of getting Robux--these are only few. There are promotion links you can type in to earn Robux.(Which also requires Builders Club.) Robux actually used to be free. When someone joined your game, you would earn R1. That’s also how I got Robux back then. But Roblox decided to cancel it. So that means we never get free Robux again that way. :(

If you want to buy Robux, click this link: Buy Robux


If you have other questions, you can contact Roblox at Roblox Support. So all you do is put in your parent’s email, your Roblox username, your first name, issue type, and description of issue. The solution to your problem will be emailed to your parent’s email. (Gmail, Outlook, ect.) Here’s the link to Support.

Roblox Support

Have Fun!

Enjoy your experience of Roblox! I hope you enjoy all the fun games! Hey, if you get any Robux, post how many you have down here.

-Oof (Roblox Death Sound)

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Bully Control

Bully Control

Has someone ever have bullied you before? Everyone’s answer should be a yes. So how do you control your feelings when someone bullies you? So today’s blog will teach you how you control your feelings when someone bullies you.

Bad Things

So first let’s talk about what you wouldn’t do when someone bullies you. When someone says something mean to you or bullies you, you might have the temptation to punch, kick, or walk away. I wouldn’t do any of these. First, let’s talk about how punching or kicking isn’t good. Punching and kicking, by the way, isn’t good. It is’t kind. But that isn’t the point. If you punch or kick, it might result in a serious fight, and you, even though you weren’t the bully, might get in trouble. Unless you want to be unkind back and don’t care about getting hurt or getting in trouble.

Now let’s talk about how walking away might also be a no-no. Even though you might want some privacy, walking away might make the bully think “Oh, he’s so afraid that he doesn’t even know how to fight”! Sometimes the bully might tell other people. Walking away might result in even more bullying. You think you might get privacy when you walk away, but really, the bully won’t stop. You know what? Actually, here’s a fact. People who walk away when they are bullied tend to cry. Well, cry silently, but they do get tears out of their eyes. And you know what a bully might do if he sees you cry? Later, they might tell their friends! Though even if you walk away, someone might come and help you. But I still don’t feel comfortable with the bully bullying you.

Here’s another no-no. (He,y fistr tell me what a no-no is, and stop bulying me because i dont spel well.) Trying to make yourself look cool (I mean the type like Ooh, hey Sarah, I’m your ------). Ok, trying to make yourself cool will result in laughter. The bully might be like “Hey Isabella, is he trying to act cool?” Trying to make yourself cool is just silly. First of all, you’re not cool if you try to make yourself look cool. Second, the bully might just laugh and rumor may spread. So don’t even try to make yourself look cool when someone bullies you.

Good Things

Remember you don’t want to hit anyone, walk away, or try to act cool. So let’s talk about something you would do. When someone bullies you, you want to say “STOP” at them. Like when your annoyed. You also want to talk about it. Let’s say: “I don’t like it when you ____, can you please stop?” I noticed that strategy works. If it doesn’t go well, you can send them a note later.

Unfortunately, this is the only good strategy I could use. This blog is really for serious bullying. So changing the subject or just agreeing with the bully won’t work. Really.

But I still hope this article was helpful to you. If you have any other good or bad suggestions, you can post it in the comments section below. HA! CHICKEN POOP! You can’t even spell, I hope you go back to kindergarten! Pssss… hey Bob, this person doesn’t even know how to spell! HA HA HA! (Post what you would do in the comments section below.)

100WC#7: The illogical definition of "I was so cross that"

I was so cross that the illogical definition of "I was so cross that" was "mad I was that" instead of "I was so ma...